Friday, October 7, 2011

Realizing the future!

     The other day, I sat down, talked to my husband, and reminded him what it was like when we went to college full time and worked part time.  I remember it so clearly, when we had all this time together, but we really did not.  We were both studying, going to class, working part time, and the little free time we had spent in a small auditorium watching a free movie at our campus.  Yes, we were very poor but super happy we spent Friday nights doing this.  We were and are non-traditional students! 

     My husband is no longer a college student, but I know in my heart he will go back to college and receive his master’s degree in the near future.  Currently, my husband loves his job and that makes my job easier. 

     My current job is taking college classes and finish college, spending time with our child, reading, homework, showing up on campus for class, doing laundry, dishes, cleaning, volunteering, and various other tasks. We both realize that in the future I will be going to galleries, art museums, art shows, art fairs, ect... and a perfect job for me is to work in these fields and or work with people and help get out of poverty.  I personally have never been homeless but I have this strong connection of wanting to help homelessness (my volunteer is helping homeless) this since of helping makes me happy to make someone smile.  I always realize that helping never hurts helping negates hurt. 

     My artwork is still about feelings and a monochromatic color scheme.  This may change and overtime may add more colors to what I have worked so hard on keeping one single color.  However, one single color is so hard and I like challenges.  I see the fall colors change outside and think one single color, what if the world was one single color or we were colorblind and saw certain colors but some were just grayish.  What if I never spent the time I had in the past with my husband and our Friday night free movie night at the college?  A lot has changed for us as three years...  I became a mom, my husband received a wonderful full time job, and we purchased our first home.  The one item that will not change is that I will remain an artist, no matter what!

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